This is a phrase-by-phrase commentary and exposition of the New Testament book of 1 Corinthians.  This commentary is in use as a college textbook, yet is suitable for the lay church member.1 Corinthians was written by Paul during the same time period in his life as Romans, Galatians, and 2 Corinthians.  It was written to a church with problems, that was struggling to find its maturity in Christ.  Evidently, some Corinthian church members had come to Paul, seeking his help with a series of thorny problems (1:11).  It appears these same church members also brought a letter from the church itself, asking Paul for help with a different set of issues (7:1).  This combination led Paul to compose 1 Corinthians.  The members of Chloe’s household apparently brought four issues to Paul’s attention:  the growing factions inside the church body, a case of gross immorality being allowed to go unchecked, litigation betwixt Christians, and the abuse of Christian liberty encouraged by the proximity to the pagan temples which flourished in Corinth.  The church’s letter to Paul apparently sought guidance on six topics:  concerning marriage, concerning things sacrificed to idols, concerning disorder in the public assembly, concerning the resurrection of the dead, concerning the Jerusalem collection, and concerning Apollos.  As he addressed their questions, Paul time and again sought to establish “the word of the cross” (1:18).  That very message carries the timeless Christian principles needed to help the church solve these and whatever other problems might arise in the future, so that the church might indeed become the temple of God (3:16-17) and the body of Christ (10:17, 11:29, 12:12-16).Attention to 1 Corinthians ebbs and flows.  As issues arise to which this letter speaks, interest revives.  Certainly, 1 Corinthians addresses contemporary issues:  worship styles, charismatic g
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