2015 Notes of Mark Orava
Yeah.  I’m absolutely terrified at the implications of what my doctrine and experiences suggest.  It will be painful obedience to publish this entry- “Because you’re afraid it’s not real.  And if it is real, you’re afraid that you’ll sound boastful.”    There it is; as real and raw as I can be.  I’m scared.  I’m scared of ridicule and rejection.  Hopefully the reader has been following my writings in real time over the last couple years because I fear that to read "2014 and 2015 Notes" consecutively will read like a preposterous fabrication now.  I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Persons that suffer from Alexithymia typically have "few dreams or fantasies due to restricted imaginations".  We’re too analytical to be this creative. The Lord has permitted me to encourage another test of sorts.  A putting out of the fleeces (Jd6:36-38), if you will.  The last time I put out this fleece, the Lord showed up.  Here it is….As Jesus gave Peter the keys to kingdom of Heaven (Mt16:19), He desires to give you, the reader, a key as well.  Therefore, should you find yourself inundated with "locksmith" by perhaps a frequent passing van or a constant misplacing of keys, when that happens then please regard my words.    Whatever the means the Lord uses get the reader’s attention on "locksmith", I do pray that the miracle is a coincidence too large to be ignored.The experience in the chapel was the last I’ve seen of the Lord.  At least at the time of this writing anyway.  Five weeks of numerous recurring visits seem to have come to an end though I hope that’s not the case.  I wish I could report some new superpower that came with the new heart but I can’t.  Nothing substantially noticeable yet.  Perhaps it was symbolic of the
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