SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE.SOMEONE HAD TO LEAD THAT CHANGE.BUT WAS HE UP TO THE TASK?George was an intellectual, a journalist, a writer: more theorythan practice. Could he lead the country to a new beginning?Someone had to stand up to the tyranny, the controlling force thathad crept up to overtake their lives. Someone who could espousethe principles they all believed in.But George had always been on the sidelines, involved but notcommitted. A product of the establishment but not a drivingforce.Until now. Until he made the ultimate decision. A decision thatwould dramatically alter the fate of their country.Britain was a sorry state; controlled, whittled down, oppressedand depressed.Until now.2024: A History of the Future is an engaging tale of the struggleto make change to a nation and to all those involved. Both historicalnovel and political thriller, it will take you into the future andback into the past, tying the two together in one story. One dramato fashion our future.Through the Past.
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