400 Jokes You Can Tell Anybody
There are actually over 500 jokes for you in this little book. Because some of the jokes are one-liners and definitions, I made up for that by putting in a few extras for you. I have also provided a table of contents so you can easily find your favourites. There are no cuss words in these jokes so you can tell them to just about anybody. The reason you may not want to tell them all to everybody is that the subject material itself may not be appropriate to tell some people. You've got to pick the right room. Timing is everything. As my dear mother loved to tell me, “Don’t be a schmuck dear!”Every one of these jokes has been word-smithed and battle-tested in front of real, live humans in order to help you get the most laugh mileage from them when you tell them to your friends, relatives, clients or fellow workers. The rest must come from you. Feel free to customize the material to fit the situation and when you tell the joke… get into it; in other words... sell it!People will appreciate the effort you make and you'll get a lot more laughs. And don’t forget… the punch line goes at the end.
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