45 Moments With Men
Short stories and articles about and for men.The Women’s Liberation Movement burst into our living-rooms some thirty years ago with a strident, demanding, angry, divisive and separatist energy. And that’s as it should be for it was about women reclaiming their masculine (yang) energy. While it is recognised that the public persona of the Movement was probably the tip of the iceberg, with most women just asserting themselves in a quiet (and often unsupported) way, it came across as a Women’s Movement with masculine energy.Ask people today about the Men’s Movement and most don’t know it exists.Men are understanding if you can understand them … if they can understand themselves. Men have served our civilization well – they have discovered new worlds, tilled the soil, defended their people, invented great machines, formulated healing medicines, created beautiful and uplifting artworks, fathered gifted and happy children, inspired and soothed us with their songs and their writing, provided for and protected us in our daily lives. These things have not always been done the way you wanted, but they were done and they were done the best way men knew how. Most people on this planet are not evil and will do the best that they can, from their current level of understanding. You will look back on events of your life and know that if you had your life to live over again, you would do it differently, better. This is not to excuse the men of this world who have raped, destroyed, murdered, disempowered, abused and lessened in any way. They have done these things and we must not walk away from that truth. They have, however, also done many great, inspiring, creative and loving things and we must not walk away from that truth. For whatever reason, the actions of men are generally more public than those of women – men are usually the more “out there” of the species and in times past, their achievements have been lauded
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