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There are 58 one anothers in the New Testament, 0 information about the pastor. According to how church is done in most quarters, the existence of the church and all its eggs are put into the one basket of the pastor. C. Peter Wagner reflects this general outlook when he asserts, The local church is like a company with one company commander, the pastor, who gets his orders from the Commander-in-Chief... The pastor has the power in the growing church... The pastor of a growing church may appear to outsiders as a dictator, but to the people of the church, his decisions are their decisions.There have been thousands of books published about the aspects of church leadership, but comparatively very little time has been spent on the necessity of the church to love one another, and all the rest of the one anothers that flow out of Christs new command. Based on observations since 1965, Jon Zens conclusion is that we need more and more of Christ, and less and less of the traditional views of leadership. This book sets forth the Jesus-centered way of functioning as brother and sisters in the Body of Christ...Contributors span from 1937 - 2013: Hans van Campenhausen, Judy Schindler, Bruce Davidson, Daryl Erkel, Matthew & Christa McKirkland, Hendrik Hart, Russ Ross, Lawrence Burkholder, R.L. Wysong, Norbert Ward, Katt Huff, Stephen Crosby, Fydor Dosteyevsky, H.L. Mencken, John Howard Yoder, and Frank Viola... These authors take issue with the traditional understandings of church life, and point the way to Christ, the only rightful Leader of the ekklesia
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