‘69 Ways’ was written solely with the intentions of it being a fun alternative guide to making couples more aware of the most common detriments encountered in preventing a healthy and emotionally gratifying relationship.  The sixty-nine topics presented and discussed were chosen after an exhaustive and extensive three-week debate between my wife and me.  Our first task was an individual assignment.  We separately wrote our own ideas of what not to do in a relationship.  After that, my wife and I asked friends, relatives, and co-workers to share their thoughts and opinions of the headaches and heartaches they have endured in their courtships and dating disasters.  What was not surprising was the large number of bumps in the road that we all share in our journeys to finding eternal bliss.  In listening to the stories, I found it to be truly miraculous in hearing the length of time that people stay together.  I give all the props and respect in the world to couples that are really trying to have a committed relationship.  The process is definitely not easy!   But please understand that my wife and I are not experts or professionals!   I repeat, “We are not experts or professionals!”  My Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Kennesaw State University was concentrated in the area of marketing and sales management.  And my wife studied music education and piano and voice at Bowie State University.  So please, on that note, do not interpret or accept what is printed as a supplement for professional guidance.  If you feel that you need therapy, please don’t be ashamed to get it (#55).  And one last admission before you start reading the good stuff is that people wanted to know how I decided the order of the topics presented.  It was a rather simple but faith based process.  Each topic was written on a strip of paper and then shuffle
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