7 Keys to Becoming A Kingdom Maker
Given as an assignment from the Lord in the wee hours of the morning, Seven Keys to Becoming A Kingdom Maker was birthed to help women grow to a level of maturity that would allow them to produce fruit in every area of their lives. God wants us to be fruitful and multiply, so as Kingdom Makers we have to mentor others and allow God’s love to overtake the fear, rejection, bitterness, hurt, doubt, generational curses and insecurities in our lives. Outlining seven           principles which include- Love, Repentance, Faith, Obedience, Purpose, Fearless, and Prayer- Seven Keys to Becoming A Kingdom Maker will thrust you into a life of freedom and intimacy with God as you become pregnant with his purpose and live out his plan for your life! It will also allow you to identify your weaknesses and fleshly         motives that can only be changed in the chambers of God’s secret place. May you enter in one way, and exit with the mantle of a Kingdom Maker, inspired and empowered not only to change yourself, but also the world around you!
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