9Ruby Prince Of Abyssinia Krassa Leul Alemayehu From The 7th Planet Called Abys Sinia
The Ancient Battle Clashes Of Two Biblical Rivals In Present Day Time. Krassa Leul Alemayehu, The 9Ruby Prince of Abyssinia Versus Mayor-Elite Sinnah Nimrod Haylal, The King Of Diamonds. Who is this Spiritual Soul is known as Krassa Leul Alemayehu, the 9Ruby Prince of Abyssinia? On a great journey inspired by a beautiful spiritual woman of mystery... As the Scriptures tells it best, in Hebrews Chapter 13 Verse 2 Be Not Forgetful To Entertain Strangers; For There Are Those Who Have Entertained Angels Unaware. After seven days of heaven with the 9Ruby Princess, she suddenly departed him, leaving him to remember her last, most high-minded and mysterious phrase,   This will be the last time we will ever be separated. After this, with all the other experiences you will encounter on your journey, we will be together...forever!This Is How It Was Recorded And This Is How It Will Be.
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