A Beginners Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass
CONTENTSBefore the Mass viiPrayer of St. Thomas Aquinas before Mass viiiPrayer of St. Thomas Aquinas after Mass  ixHow to Use this Guide  xThe Sanctuary Explained  xiHigh Mass  1Asperges Me 3Mass of the CatechumensThe Confiteor  6The Introit and the Kyrie 8The Gloria 10The Collect, Epistle, and Gradual 12The Gospel 14The Creed 16Mass of the FaithfulThe Offertory 18The Preface 22The Canon of the Mass 24Communion 28Communion Antiphon 30The Last Gospel 32?Low Mass  35Latin Prayers 51Sign of the Cross 52The Lord’s Prayer 52The Hail Mary 52Glory Be 53Hail, Holy Queen  53The Next Step  55
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