A Collection of Bedtime Stories for Kids
? 55% Discount for Bookstores from Listing Price! ? Ar? ??u l??k?ng for a childrens book?Your customer will love this amazing book!Th?r?? n?th?ng quite l?k? a b?dt?m? b??k to ?h?r? w?th your ?h?ldr?n ju?t b?f?r? they g? to ?l??? ?nd B??k P???l? h?? ?l?nt? ?f gentle and ???th?ng ?t?r??? to d?l?ght l?ttl? r??d?r?.R??d?ng bedtime ?t?r??? t? your kid ??n b? b?n?f????l f?r b?th ??u ?nd your ?h?ld. It? a ?h?rt w?nd?w ?f ????rtun?t? b?f?r? ??ur ?h?ld g??? t? sleep t? ?r?v?d? a nurtur?ng and ??lm ?nv?r?nm?nt t? ???ur? a g??d n?ght? ?l???.B?dt?m? ?t?r??? d?nt h?v? t? b? v?r? l?ng t? ?n?ur? th? b?n?f?t?. A ?h?rt 5-minute read wh?l? tucking your little ?n? ?n b?d for th? night ??n suffice. Readings ??n come in th? f?rm ?f short ?t?r???, f?bl??, nur??r? rhymes, lull?b???, ?nd even ???m?.Several r????r?h ?tud??? have ?r?v?n th?t reading t? ??ur ?h?ldr?n ??n ?r?v?d? a nurturing ?nd bonding experience for b?th ??r?nt ?nd ?h?ld. Reading also h?l?? with ??rl? literacy skills, ??m?r?h?n???n, and ??gn?t?v? ?k?ll?.Th? ?m???t ?f reading ?l?ud t? ?h?ldr?n ?? ?l?? ?r?v?n t? have ?u?t??n?bl? benefits. A ?h?ld? b?h?v??r ??n b? ?m?r?v?d n?t ?nl? f?r the ?h?rt-t?rm but ?l?? f?r the long-term. R??d?ng bedtime ?t?r??? can b?g?n ?? soon ?? th?? ?r? a f?w months ?ld ?nd g? ?n ?? l?ng ?? th? ?h?ld continues t? show ?nt?r??t in th? n?ghtt?m? activity.It turn? ?ut that r??d?ng ?l?ud, a t?m?-h?n?r?d tr?d?t??n ?n so m?n? f?m?l??? ?? ??tu?ll? a w?nd?rful w?? ?f h?l?Buy it NOW and let your customers become addicted to this incredible book!
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