A Cougars Guide To Getting Your Ass Back Out There
This is an extremely important book for todays generation of women who are single, divorced or widowed, looking at the dating scene and asking themselves What am I supposed to do now? Poters re-definition of the word Cougar as no longer being the predatory jungle animal some define the Cougar but as strong, unique and powerful creatures who can make their own choices about their lives that reflect who they are today. The authors personal history is very compelling and adds to the easy readability of this terrific book. Her insights are spot on and her advice is comprehensive and detailed even as she states what should be obvious but isnt always: No married men or No texting while on a date. The book is also filled with real-life examples and clever sayings that bring it all home and put everything about the incredibly complex and confusing dating scene into something we can understand and relate to. In particular, check out the sections on Lessons Learned and Red Flags. Learn the importance of changing yourself first before jumping into a new relationship.
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