A Cumulative Index to the Grammar and Syntax of Biblical Hebrew
Beginning with Genesis and moving verse by verse through the entire Hebrew Bible, Putnam indexes the citations found in each major reference grammar to provide a wonderful time-saving tool for exegetes. Works indexed: Bauer & Leander, Historische Grammatik der hebräischen Sprache des Alten Testamentes; Beer, ed. by Meyer, Hebräische Grammatik; Bergsträsser, Hebräische Grammatik; Brockelmann, Hebräische Syntax; Davidson, Hebrew Syntax; Gibson, Davidsons Introductory Hebrew Grammar: Syntax; Kautzsch, ed. Cowley, Gesenius Hebrew Grammar; Jenni, Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache des Alten Testaments; Joüon, translated and edited by Muraoka, Grammar of Biblical Hebrew; Richter, Grundlagen einer althebräischen Grammatik; Rosenthal, Grammar of Biblical Aramaic; Schneider, Grammatik des biblischen Hebräisch: Lehrbuch; Waltke & OConnor, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax; Williams, Hebrew Syntax: An Outline.
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