A Dogs Tail
A Dog's Tail is a picture book story narrated by Alice the rottweiler and one of which explores the impact parental alcohol abuse had on her and her family. The story begins during Alice's puppy years and continues into her dog years. Readers of all ages can gain insight into the effects of alcohol abuse from a perspective that us humans have been unable to hear from before. As with many other stories of substance abuse, there are sad events that take place as a result. For this reason, discretion should be used when deciding to share Alice's story with younger children. The story can also be used to open up discussion with a child about substance abuse or to bring to light the possible consequences of it. It can also be used as a tool to initiate conversation with readers of all ages on subjects that many people are avoidant of including but not limited to: addiction, death, loss, child abuse, animal abuse, and terminal illness of a parent or loved one. The book is highly recommended for: parents, mental health professionals, children, school guidance counselors, child welfare workers, young adult parents, individuals in recovery or engaged in substance abuse treatment and grandparents.
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