A Monster Truck for Johnny (ages 2-5)
The Adventures of Johnny's Mini Monster Truckis a series of children’s books about the ultimate children’s ride.  Minimonstertruck combines a train and a monster truck for the enjoyment of children big and small.  The goal of this book series is to have stories to read to children while teaching them new concepts such as colors, contrasts, directions (up and down), recycling, helmet safety, and more. Although Minimonstertruck currently resides in Colorado where he is available to tow a children’s ride, the goal is to share Minimonstertruck up close and personal with children throughout the United States.  Plans include a book signing tour and children’s ride events along with Minimonstertruck’s appearance.If you would like to schedule an appearance or learn more about Minimonstertruck,visit our web page at www.minimonstertruck.com.
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