Against the Sects (Armenian Edition)
This is the Classical Armenian edition of Eznik of Kolb’s 5th century masterpiece of Armenian literature, Against the Sects, also known as [A Treatise] On God. Against the Sects survives to the present day due in part to the good fortune of a single medieval transcription from the late 13th century at the University of Gladzor.Eznik of Kolb was a theologian, philosopher, translator and naturalist. Written in the middle of the 5th century, when Armenia was facing threat of conversion to Zoroastrianism, Against the Sects is largely a work of apophatic theology, in which Eznik approaches the concept of the Christian God by contradicting beliefs of the predominant non-Christian sects of his time, including heathens, Zoroastrians (particularly Zurvanites), schools of pre-Christian Greek philosophy (those of Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Epicurus, and the Stoics), and the Valentinian and Marcionite gnostics. Beyond this, the book is a unique and essential source of information on Near Eastern religion and mythology from pre-Christian times, and on early Christian beliefs and metaphysical notions of God.
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