All Nations Under God
Sadly, it is not uncommon to find bitter contention amidst those discussions centering on the atonement of Christ. Queries regarding the atonements intent and extent normally govern such contests, and the results are often less than productive. This debate is not a new one, and it has only intensified in recent years. In its worst form, this battle is draining the church of her vitality and joy, while robbing Christ of His glory as the victorious Lamb of God. However, the church must refute such contention and reclaim the joy, motivation, and power of the Gospel ministry by looking intently at the One who calls Himself the eternal Victor: The Lord Jesus Christ. All Nations Under God looks to restore the true hope and joy of the church by reclaiming the Biblical vision of the Lamb of God who was slain for our sin.Contents -Chapter 1: Christs Victorious Atonement DefinedFor Whom Did Christ Die?The Intent of Christs AtonementThe Immutability of Christs AtonementThe Extent of Christs AtonementChapter 2: Christs Victorious Atonement DefendedA Defense, Not a DiatribeA Defense of the Lords Justice & MercyA Defense of the Lords Exceptional LoveA Defense of the Lords Extensive AtonementVictory Means Victory all of the TimeChapter 3: Christs Victorious Atonement AppliedListening to the Victorious LambThe Greatest of these is LoveThe Exceptional Love Of A HusbandThe Exceptional Love Of A WifeThe Exceptional Love Of Heavens CitizensThe Exceptional Love Of The BrethrenThe Exceptional Love Of Gods MessengersFollowing The Victorious LambChapter 4: Christs Triumph Over TraditionChrists Triumph Over TraditionThe Trauma Of TraditionThe Tradition of Free WillThe Tradition of HypercalvinismThe Tradition of Unexceptional LoveThe Tradition Of WhosoeverThere Are Foolish Men On Both Sides Of The ArgumentConclusion: Celebrating His Victory for all EternityFixing Our Eyes on JesusHis Holy and Eternal VictoryAdoring the Lamb of God Fo
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