Amazing Goodness
I have been called into His kingdom and glory—to sit with Jesus in heavenly places because the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. (Psalm 118:1)A book on the goodness of God is a book on God Himself since He is All good and All loving. This book can change the way you think. It is not intended to be read in one sitting, although it can be. When you go through this book completely take time to read it again for another 31 days. Take time to do the confessions. God is truly good. Let this book be the beginning of your life-long study of the goodness of God.Now enter with expectancy that as you read and receive your life will never be the same. May the phrase God is good become more than just a nice Christian saying for you. Be Blessed as you spend time in this book. 
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