An Introduction Chemistry Of The Silicones


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An Introduction to the CHEMISTRY of the SILICONES By EUGENE G. ROCHOW. PREFACE: The organic compounds of silicon, which have been the subject of many scholarly researches during the past 80 years, at last show promise of emerging from the laboratory and finding a place in industry. An understanding of the behavior of organosilicon materials is necessary to their intelligent use and, inasmuch as the chemistry of these substances ordinarily is not treated in our textbooks, it is possible that a compact yet comprehensive survey of our present knowledge in this field would be of service to chemists, engineers, and industrial designers. This volume has just such a purpose. The first few chapters review the silanes and their derivatives in some detail, in order to provide an understanding of the fundamental chemistry of the nonsilicate com pounds of silicon. The later chapters emphasize the silicone polymers which have achieved commercial importance and deal with the methods for their preparation, their chemical and physical properties, and their possible usas. The processes available for large-scale production are treated separately, and a review of methods of analysis is included. In order not to burden the text with definitions and explanations of nomenclature which might already be familiar to some readers, an extensive glossary of terms is appended. An exhaustive review of the literature on organic compounds of sili con cannot very well be included in a volume intended for the non specialist. However, many references are provided, and tables of most of the known compounds and their properties are included in the appropriate chapters. The reader will find comprehensive reviews of publications in Friends Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 11, Part 2 Krause and von Grossed Chemie der Metallorgamschen Ver bindungen, Dolgows Chemistry of the Silica-Organic Compounds, and Bygdens Silizium als Vertreter des Kohlenstoffs organischen Verbindun gen. A more recent and more
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