Arts Features International, April-June 2019, Destruction & Disruption
The April-June 2019 issue of Arts Features International is the artists protest issue.RUTH SKILBECKLetter from the editor 7First Artists Announcement: NIRIN Biennale of Sydney text & photos 13DR. CHRISTINE EVERINGHAMCreating Community Protest opinion editorial 20CHRISTINE EVERINGHAM and THERESE DOYLEBook extract Wrong Track: What Drove Supercars to Newcastle Introduction; Chapter one: Heritage neighbourhood or racing circuit? Photographs by Newcastle Residents Community Group (NERG) 22RUTH SKILBECKNewcastle Heritage Policy? Kerb Your Enthusiasm 48 Destruction (cracked wall and floor, falling tiles) photograph 51NAVA (National Association of Visual Arts) Invest in Artistic Courage 2019 Statement 52NATASHA WILLIAMSThe Budget lino print cartoon 54DR. RUTH SKILBECKBook extract The Writer’s Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma andSubjectivity in the Literature of Modernity (2nd ed.) From Chapter one: Exiled Writers’ Human Rights and Social Advocacy Movements in Australia: A Critical Fugal Analysis 55RUTH SKILBECKOff the Road: Photographs of the Biennale of Sydney Boycott, 2014 81 Biennale Artists Responses to Cutting Ties with ‘Detention Camps’ 84SUELLEN SYMONS Portrait of Bob Brown 88RUTH SKILBECK Adani Mine Emergency 89SUELLEN SYMONSStop Adani Protest Easter Sunday with Bob Brown 92RUTH SKILBECK and SUELLEN SYMONS Artists and Local Community against Adani Mine 94SUELLEN SYMONS and RUTH SKILBECK The Big Rev-Up: Stop Adani Benefit Auction 96RUTH SKILBECKSuellen Symons’ Strange Paradise 100SUELLEN SYMONSStrange Paradise (Redfern Then and Now) Head On Photo Festival 105SILVIA PEASEBook Review: Why Only Art Can Save Us: Aesthetics and the Absence of Emergency by Santiago Zabala 108WANG ZHIYUANFrom Painting to Wall-sculpture the case of Wang ZhiyuanTranslated by Jin Hua and Mabel Lee
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