Assessing Students in the Margins
The importance of student assessment, particularly for summative purposes, has increased greatly over the pastthirty years. At the same time, emphasis on including all students in assessment programs has also increased.Assessment programs, whether they are large-scale, district-based, or teacher developed, have traditionally attempted toassess students using a single instrument administered to students under the same conditions. Educators and testdevelopers, however, are increasingly acknowledging that this practice does not result in valid information, inferences,and decisions for all students. This problem is particularly true for students in the margins, whose characteristics andneeds differ from what the public thinks of as the general population of students. Increasingly, educators, educationalleaders, and test developers are seeking strategies, techniques, policies, and guidelines for assessing students for whomstandard assessment instruments do not function well.Whether used for high-stakes decisions or classroom-based formative decisions, the most critical element of anyeducational assessment is validity. Developing and administering assessment instruments that provide valid measuresand allow for valid inferences and decisions for all groups of students presents a major challenge for todays assessmentprograms. Over the past few decades, several national policies have sparked research and development efforts that aimto increase test validity for students in the margins. This book explores recent developments and efforts in threeimportant areas. The first section focuses on strategies for improving test validity through the provision of testaccommodations. The second section focuses on alternate and modified assessments. Federal policies now allow testingprograms to develop and administer alternate assessments for students who have not been exposed to grade-level content, and thus are not expected to demonstrateproficiency on grade-level asse
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