Attachment Theory
55% OFF For Bookstores! Now the best price ever !Trust and Quality Communication Make or Break Partnerships. Learn How to Share with Your Partner and Improve Your Love Life!Do you want to enjoy a stable and healthy longterm relationship with your partner?Have you always wanted to become more open and trusting and in turn, have your partner trust you and confide in you?HEALTHY COMMUNICATION IS A CORNERSTONE OF ANY MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP, AND IT IS A SKILL YOU AND YOUR PARTNER CAN LEARN.Maintaining a longterm relationship that is happy and healthy and fulfills your and your partners needs can be a lot of work. As humans, we tend to let our subconscious emotional impulses drive our decision making, and we end up creating confusion and misunderstandings in our relationships. At the end of the day, you are both sitting in your corners silent and angry, but what you really want to do is talk it out and stop fighting.This book will make the work that is being in a relationship much easier, and it will give you the tools necessary to improve your relationship and foster new, healthy communication habits. Sometimes, we feel like we want to do something right, but we are not really sure how. Good communication is not a big mystery, and you too can learn to improve your style!In this book you will learn:How to really hear your partner and how to respond in a mindful wayHow to build trust and communicationWhat it means to be open to feedback and trusting of your partnerHow to balance your roles and responsibilities so that both partners benefitHow to become and stay present and honest?Every long-term relationship has its ups and downs, but the way we handle the downs can make all the difference. Even if you and your partner love and respect each other, learning about the underlying psychology of marriage and acquiring tools for maintaining a mutually satisfying relationship can go a long way in making a good relationship truly great. And with such a complex relationship,
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