Awakening to the Sacred Love of the Twin Flame
Each of us has a Twin Flame, the exact being with whom we were created at the thrilling Moment of Creation, when God expanded Itself and created from that Self a new being. God then divided that being into Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. This template of masculine and feminine can be seen throughout all Earth life. The expansion from the ALL THAT IS came from God's strong desire to extend Love through its Creations (on Earth, for example) and have a way to know and observe Itself by living through us. This Twin is the other half of yourself, with whom you share the most exquisite Love and Oneness possible -- which you will know when you unite with that divine one...AWAKENING opens with a series of transcendent experiences in which the author, Shanna, makes contact with her Twin Flame during her meditations. Her unique and intimate sharing of their meetings and travels shows us many facets of this supreme Love. Pra, her Twin, is not in physical embodiment on Earth, but rather resides in higher vibrational consciousness. They meet somewhere between Earth and the Higher Realms.In the second section, we are led through a series of powerful excerpts of "Messages from God," channeled by Yael Hana Powell, in which the essence and purpose of the Twin Flame is explained. We are told that the coming together of Twin Flames at this time can create an amplification of Love that can completely shift life on our struggling planet to Love and only Love. In the third section, Shanna's beloved Twin Flame, Pra, answers questions, giving detailed suggestions on how to make contact with one's Twin, including bringing your Twin through the person you are currently with. The other-worldliness and loving atmosphere of this book will uplift you and perhaps open you to the possibility of finding Love with your own Twin Flame, the other half of your being.  
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