DEBORAH JOHNSON takes you through different types of code, tools of code and decades of code to change your thoughts and change your life!Just as threatening as identity theft or a website hack, there is bad mental code working to hack and sabotage your life. After identifying different types of code and attacks, Bad Code gives you effective and powerful tools to change your mental code. Using construction images, you will gather your own personal mental toolbox of tools that will take you through the varying decades of your life. The last section of the book includes interviews of ordinary people with extraordinary insights, each with applicable tools and mindsets.The human brain is more powerful than any computer and accessing the power of the brain takes mental choices and tools. Negative mental code sends messages that we’re too old, too fat, too dumb. Those kinds of mental missives hinder both personal and professional growth. Bad code brings discontentment based on shame and self-doubt, which is ultimately destructive. It tells us we’ll never be good enough, so why try?Good code is positive, forward thinking and healthy. It constructively uses the restlessness of fear for motivation and change. The applicable mindsets not only apply for individuals, but for small businesses, business leaders and leadership teams.When I quickly glanced at how many chapters BAD CODE had, I thought, “it will take me a while to read this book.” As I began to read the book, the pages and chapters flowed easily. Deborah takes the concept of Computer Bad Codes and applies them to how we personally view life based on the “codes” that we have personally written or accepted.  She uses great illustrations to help us understand how this applies to each of us and what we can do to make changes. At the end of each chapter she provides a tools and mindset section for personal application.This book is great for someone who is struggling
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