Baptist Faith and Martyrs Fires
There are several reasons why I have prepared this book, during a very busy and responsible service to my brethren.I am fully conscious of a lack of both knowledge and ability of expression. However, it appears. to me that our people are wanting in a knowledge of the simple, primary, and fundamental lessons of Baptist doctrines. Too, the age in which we live does not lend promise for improvement. The atmosphere of human society in this complex age is such that one's mind is often so preoccupied as. to stifle Christian knowledge and growth.How many Baptists of today know why they are Bap- tists? How many could even state the cardinal beliefs of Baptists? There was never a time when so much heresy was preached. Of those called Baptists today, very few can rightly claim the name. Some who claim it actually deny the Inspiration of the Scriptures; they do not believe in the virgin-birth of Christ, in the blood atonement which He made; they do not believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ from the grave and they deny His Deity. Their "gospel" has become a mere social gospel, nothing more. Millions of dollars are given in the name of Christianity, and these dollars do not support Bible truths.As. to the church and its ordinances, they know but little. We need to hearken anew to the Bible and its simple truths. The churches have, in a large measure, become too formal; the worship is entertaining to the carnal nature, of which, unfortunately, we still have too much about us. 
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