Beauty In The Pulpit
Beauty in the Pulpit is a co-author anthology about real women in ministry who have endured hardship, rejection and abuse simply because they are both anointed and beautiful. As a beautiful woman whom God has chosen, don’t spend another moment on this journey seeking approval or opinions, auditioning for the requirements of others before you, instead become the great vessel that God has created you to be.God knew exactly what he was doing when he created you and placed you in the earth for such a time as this. You were born to give birth to nations. Assigned to transform communities. Called to be the example for another young girl or seasoned woman that anything is possible when you trust the hand and heart of God. His timing is important and perfect.Throughout the pages of Dr. Woodson’s anthology, women will share their stories of triumph with you, as well as, their tears so that you can have clear pathways, encouragement, and the security of knowing that we have gone before you.  I decree you should go farther than we did. You shall do greater things than we have done. You will soar above the challenges of society, and you will claim your position as an heir of Christ, and daughter of the KING.Dr. Woodson has been anointed to set women free from emotional, spiritual, and mental abuse. Her desire is for you to know the truth and what God really thinks of you. You have been purposefully adorned in all of your undeniable femininity, anointing, power, authority and beauty by God Himself. This is no accident.  Never forget that destiny is waiting for you and the great women of history's past are depending on you to continue to build a legacy where other women, just like you, will know that you were born for this. ~Bishop Tyear McCraryLong Live the Queen!!
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