Being in It for the Species
This Book is a Manifesto of Hope for the Future and the Promise of Enduring Freedom for Our SpeciesThe timing of this book is no accident, for humanity now stands upon the precipice of a long and grueling tribulation. However, it will not be a hopeless suffering, because in the midst of this chaos, there will come a rare opportunity for us to free ourselves from the shackles of species bondage once and for all. To help humanity seize this opportunity in a loving and decisive way, the Guides, those who reside in the presence of the Creator as enlightened beings, share the signs and events of what is to come so we may survive. Theirs is a soul-fulfilling message to all of humankind. Do not yield your lives to fear, dismay and hopelessness, but rather, survive through knowledge, integrity and spiritual strength. The intention of our Creator, is that we survive, thrive and reach the stars as an enlightened and peaceful, spacefaring race. The path will be difficult for sure, but the destination is what Being In It for the Species is all about.Table of ContentsSection I - The Monsters in the Closet Introduction The Planet X System Harbinger Events Lithosphere Lock and Departure Three Days of Darkness and Rotation Reverse The Great Winnowing Earth Trembles and the Return of the Elites Transiting the TailSection II - We Are Gods in Training We Are Gods in Training Tribulation and Human Evolution Free Will and Tribulation The Intention of Free Will Free Will and The Future of Our Species Awareness is the Measure of Free Will Global Awareness Intention Vortex Event Alien Boneyards A Chance for Noble Leadership Simple Truth Works Best Vortex Success on Other Worlds Swarm Them with Hope Run to FreedomSection III - Being In It for the Species A Life Worth Living Charging the Guns A Blessing of Misfortune Backs Against the Wall Friend or Foe Diamond in the Rough Whit and Weave Freedom is a Good Spouse W
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