Black and Blue in Harlem
SJ Rook came to Harlem to re-build a life. You hit bottom, the only way out is up, right? Nice home, nice job, nice girl. With a few breaks, a hard-luck private eye can land on his feet, even if his balance is still shaky. But now that cozy home has turned deadly. Harlem is frigid the night Rook arrives home to find his own apartment building is a crime scene. With his pal NYPD Detective Archie Lin working the case, Rook joins the investigation into the death of his neighbor. Nomie George was a gentle, unassuming city bureaucrat, with few friends and no apparent enemies. Minding her own business, following government rules, and hoarding her skimpy paycheck were Nomies chief pleasures. But a frosty fifteen-story plunge ended her life. Could her lonely death be a suicide? Or might a brutal murderer be on the loose? As winter nights pile up, Rooks investigative leads turn as murky as black ice. Then he and Lin are stunned when another gruesome murder lands even closer to home: in the backyard of Rooks own detective agency. His bosses, the father-daughter duo of Norment and Sabrina Ross, run a local fix-it service with Harlem as their beat. Ross Agency cases usually involve those neighborhood events or personal affairs where tensions run high and violence bubbles just under the surface. This quirky team of private eyes handles intimate matters and little mysteries the police consider beneath their interest or beyond their abilities. Murder isnt his beat, but the second death draws Rook even deeper into the investigation of Lins frozen cold case. With Archie distracted by a budding love affair, Rooks romance with Sabrina Ross stumbles, as old habits cause new problems. Adding to his troubles are a wily gangster whos greedy for power, a storefront preacher digging for earthly rewards, and a baffled roommate who knows too much... and too little. Rook races against time to solve this case before the ruthless killer strikes again. Must he compromise his friendships
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