Blast Off to Reading!
??Blast Off to Reading is a reading program for dyslexia, for children ages 7-13. This multisensory, Orton-Gillingham based program for dyslexia will systematically teach your child to read starting from the most basic units of sounds to multi-syllable, complex words in just 50 lessons.Each lesson includes a new sound or rule, followed by several exercises, which review concepts taught in the lesson as well as those taught previously. If you use the web app, that accompanies this program, the lesson will instruct you on what game to play. This provides the perfect blend of reading and writing with review. Your student will become aware of sounds and how they are put together to form words.Why Use Blast Off to ReadingThe program includes an online web app with games and teaching tools, making teaching more varied and fun.The program is highly structured, gradually building up on what was taught.This program is not babyish, it is meant for older students (7-13).The lessons are easy to implement, little to no lesson planning is needed.This book is colorful, with large text and a simple layout that is created to be visually appealing to children.There is an answer key included, so if you arent sure you can always check.Spelling is also addressed. By using the online dictations, included in the webapp, your student will practice spelling the words that include the sounds and rules taught.The back of the book includes the complete phonics reference chart (all of the sounds taught) for a quick review or reference.The web app for this program is available at no extra cost and can be played on any browser, no special device is needed. Go to BlastOffToReading dot com for the app.What Does the Web App IncludeThe flash cards for the sounds and rules taught.Online audio dictations (similar to spelling tests) for words and sentences.Moveable Letter Tile app teaching tool, which includes the phonics reference chart (same on the back of the book). Studen
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