In a world filled with magic where Gods and Goddesses walk amongst the mortals who worship them, a war is brewing-a war between the Divine that started centuries ago. Unable to fight in the Divine Realms, theyve enlisted their followers to fight for them. And to certain mortals theyve even bestowed their own powers.These mortals, known as the Blessed, walk a lonely path, balancing the awesome and cruel powers of the Gods and the vulnerability of their human sides. They are immortal unless their God or Goddess sponsor abandons them or they are killed by another Blessed.One of these Blessed, a veteran from the first war, is gathering other young Blessed to her. Her plan? Create a bond between them all so they can vanquish the God bent on bringing destruction to their world once and for all. Under her tutelage, her students will be the turning point of their world. They start to their destinies struggling with their powers and their place in their world. But will they be the salvation or the destruction? Only time will tell, for they are . . .The Brethren.Neilina - a Blessed who once conquered a God, she has lived a solitary existence since the first war ended. Now once again she will face a foe from her past that could be her undoing. But this time, she wont be fighting alone.Adeline - the only daughter of a warrior king, she is a healer and prophet. But her powers weigh heavy on her and the darkness promises sweet reprieve-will her bond to her Brethren keep her strong? Aubrey - a young girl with a mysterious past she cant remember. She wants to be a knight in the Holy War, but shell need to discover her past if shes to help save their future. Mathilde - the Crown Princess of the nomadic tribes, shes got to right an ancient wrong if she wants to help her people. Her powers of the wild and animals makes her a strong card for whoever earns her loyalty in the coming war.Niall - the bastard waif of a nobleman of a distant kingdom, hes not who everyone thinks he is
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