Bodhisattva 4.0
Bodhisattva 4.0 is a collection of simple conversation-starters about very difficult questions. It is not meant to provide answers, but rather to encourage mindful reflection and action. The ideas presented here come from a Buddhist perspective, but not in an exclusive way. Good ecology embraces biodiversity and adaptation. In that spirit, Buddhist ecology draws upon ideas that will benefit all of us, irrespective of their origins. We are poised on the inflection point of the fourth industrial revolution. Hence the title of this book, Bodhisattva 4.0. To some, it appears as the dawning of a brave new world. To others, it appears as the precipice above the inferno.You have before you 108 meditations. They are organized into twelve subject areas, and each area comprises nine topics. Each topic is presented as a two-page spread that includes resources for further study. In total, the book contains more than 500 easily accessible online resources.Sections and topics include:TECHNOLOGY: Tools, Design, Designed, Society, Ecology, Prajna, Happiness, Responsibility, DegrowthFUTURE: Emergence, Anthropecene, Tech Paradigm, Tech Mess, Tech Salvation, History, Ethics, Magic, ImaginePRACTICE: Life Hack, Mr. Natural, Meditation, Faith, Vows, Secular, Prayer, Mind Only, UpayaCULTURE: Child, Addicted, Buddhist Apps, Buddhist P2P, Buddha Stuff, Buddhist Geek, Social, Citizen, BodhisattvaVIOLENCE: Kali Yuga, War, Guns, Race, Gender, War on Women, Watcher State, Titans, WhistleblowerWORK: Consumer, Maker, Money, Work 3.0, Progress, Performance, Corporation, Share, GivePLAY: #Nowtrending, @Troll, Celebrity, Media, Mobile, Porn, Interactive, Information, ArtCOMPUTERS: Reality, Network, AI, Cyborg, Singularity, Ubicomp, Code, Hive, LoveACTION: Global, Engaged, Saffron Revolution, Scandal, Silk Road, Good Works, Petitions, Slogans, BlogsFOOD: All Beings, Vicious Samsara, Farm, Meat, Veg, Food Insecurity, Eat, Drink, PackageHEALTH: Birth, Old Age, Sickness, Death, Biotech, Life Support, Ab
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