(Arctic Humor, Spanish) El oso polar que juega a los bolos. “Charming wordless story.…Sanborn’s cartooning is full of…polish and physical comedy.” – Publisher’s Weekly. Un oso polar va a la Antártica. Él nunca ha visto a un pingüino. A él se ven como algo divertido con el cual jugar. Los niños les encanta inventar historias (contar o escribir). Construyen habilidad con el vocabulario en el proceso. Para niños de 2 - 6 años (Cuentos sin palabras serie).The adventures of a polar bear who hitches a ride to Antarctica. He’s never seen penguins before; to him they look like something fun to play with. Children (ages 2 – 6) love to tell/write stories to go with clever pictures created by Ashley Sanborn (The Dancing Flamingos of Lake Chimichanga and If Cancer Was a Fish). Activities include finding and naming animals and cementing vocabulary by describing the action on the pages (see the next in this wordless picture book series: Butterfly Blink). Snow story by award-winning children’s author Karl Beckstrand (Ma MacDonald Flees the Farm [multicultural nursery rhyme]). Hard or soft cover (also an ebook. Available in 20+ languages), 30-page, 8"x10" kid’s bowling picture book, sports and outdoors with sea lion/seal, set in the poles, Premio Publishing & Gozo Books (Stories Without Words series, worldwide rights © Nov. 2014) PremioBooks, Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Children’s Plus Inc, Follett, Herzberg/Perma-bound, Ingram. LCCN: 2014947746, JUV002030, JUV030120, JUV019000, HUM001000, JUV010000, SPO007000, Soft ISBN: 978-1503226616, eISBN: 9780463095577
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