Breathe, for Gods Sake!
This book holds a treasure of deep in -sights into the great mystery of breathfrom a spiritual perspective. Inspiringdis courses, eVective and safe practicesand beautiful poetry from various tradi -tions encourage the reader to explorethe wonder of breath on many levels.What is breath, really? What is themeaning of this life-giving secret? Howimportant is conscious breathing fortrue spiritual transformation? Whatdo we make of the fact that our lifespossibilities lie between an in- and anout-breath? How is breath related tothe rhythm of the universe and, thus,to time? What is its role in the beco-ming of being from the ever presentwomb of the moment? How can webreathe in food and distill it into thealchemical elixir needed for real changein our life to come about? How can webreathe out to change the atmospherein a room or in a given situation, in fullresponsibility for the people around usand for the world to come? Whatcould it mean that Jesus walked onwater and that breath and Spirit areone? What is, esoterically speaking,the relation be tween Mary, Jesus, theSpirit of God, Ruh Allah,and Christ? On the basis of his lifelong studies ofthe worlds major spiritual traditions,and especially from the inner essence ofSuWteaching, Reshad Feild providesfood for thought and practical means tohelp people work with the breath ineveryday life. For more than forty yearshe has been of considerable inXuence atthe forefront of spiritual teaching inthe West. Among his books are the auto -biographical bestselling novels The LastBarrier and To Know Were Loved.
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