Buddies, Bullies, and Baseball
When Bullies Act Out, Its Time for Buddies and BaseballA cloud hangs over Jack as he begins fifth grade. Two boys from his class, Steve and Cliff, who began bullying him last spring, harass him again as soon as school starts. They take brownies and cookies from his lunch and call him Mustard because they think hes a coward. When Jack walks a different route to school to avoid them, they find him anyway. When he doesnt take a lunch but brings lunch money, they steal his money. When he rides his bike to school, they let the air out of the tires. Jack is miserable but hes ashamed to ask for help and doesnt want to tell anyone about his problem.Lizabeth and C.J are Jacks best friends. C.J. has his own problems. He gets help in Chapter I reading, and Steve makes fun of him, calling him Retardo. Lizabeth is spunky and wont put up with dirty tricks from Steve and Cliff, but they try to get even by calling her Miss Perfect. A new boy in school, Hans Ollig from Germany, speaks only a little English and is trying hard to learn to talk like the other kids. Jack is assigned to show him around the school.Their fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Hollis, begins a Melting Pot unit in social studies. Each student will choose a country and prepare a report about the history of the country and what people who immigrated from that country have contributed to the United States. The student will share a food from the country and teach a few words of the language. C.J. chooses to study Italy, Lizabeth picks France, and the teacher assigns Jack to work with Hans on Switzerland.Jacks mother arranges for Jack and Hans to meet with a new family in the neighborhood. The boys go to interview Mr. Schwartz who grew up in Switzerland. Jack is surprised to find that many people from Switzerland speak German, so Hans and Mr. Schwartz have lots to say to each other. The boys get a good start on their report even though Steve tries to ruin a map Hans has made. With white-out and a copy machine,
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