Calculations of Analytical Chemistry
CALCULATIONS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY by LEICESTER F. HAMILTON, S. B. and STEPHEN G. SIMPSON. Originally published in 1922. PREFACE: The title of this book has been clfanged from Calculations of Quantitative Chemical Analysis to Calculations of Analytical Chem istry because the subject matter has been expanded to cover the stoichiometry of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. In order to include calculations usually covered in courses in qualitative analysis, some rearrangements of material have been made, new sections have been added, and chapters dealing with equilibrium constants and with the more elementary aspects of analytical . calculations have been considerably expanded. Al together, the number of sections has been increased from 78 to 114 and the number of problems from 766 to 1,032. The greater part of the book is still devoted to the calculations of quantitative analysis. Short chapters on conductometric and amperometric titrations and a section on calibration of weights have been added, and many other changes and additions have been made at various points in the text. A section reviewing the use of logarithms has been inserted, and a table of molecular weights covering most of the problems in the book is included in the Appendix. It is felt that every phase of general analytical chemistry is adequately covered by problems, both with and without answers, and that most of the problems require reasoning on the part of the student and are not solved by simple substitution in a formula. LEICESTER F. HAMILTON STEPHEN G. SIMPSON CAMBRIDGE, MASS., February, 1947. Contents include: PREFACE v PART I. GENERAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER I. MATHEMATICAL, OPERATIONS 1. Factors Influencing the Reliability of Analytical Results 1 2. Deviation Measures as a Means of Expressing Reliability ... . 2 3. Significant Figures as a Means of Expressing Reliability 3 4. Rules Governing the Use of Significant Figures in Chemical Com putations 3 5. Conventions Regarding the Solution
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