Catalyst Content
Over the last 5 years, the content marketing industry has shifted from a $165 billion dollar industry to what will be a $412 billion dollar industry within the next 12 months. The explosion of social media platforms and increase in the number of people consuming content means the average business owner is struggling to keep up with keeping connected to their customers and finding ways to stay in front of them without being spammy.Equally within organisations, leaders are having to communicate with people in more leveraged ways. Millions of dollars are being spent on installing intranet platforms to increase collaboration and lead people through change by keeping people connected and informed, however most leaders struggle to find the time or are unsure of how to share their ideas, insights and thoughts. In fact, many have the fear that what they have to say and how they say it isnt good enough, clever enough or that it will damage their reputation.Today, to shift a persons behaviour they generally need 10 pieces of content. Within the next 5 years it is expected that this will be over 20 pieces of content. Content creation is no longer a marketing function, its a business owners and leaders capability. Your audience wants to hear what YOU think.
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