Coal Tar Distillation And Working Up Of Tar Products
Originally published in 1913. PREFACE: CONSIDERING the importance of the coal tar industry at the present day, it is surprising how few practical text-books there are on this subject. I feel, therefore, that no apology is needed for offering to students, gasworks and tarworks managers and others interested in this industry, and in chemical technology, a short treatise dealing in a practical manner with the distillation of coal tar and the working up of its chief products. In order that this book could be produced at a moderate price it has been necessary to deal with the plant and processes used in the working up of the chief products obtained by the distillation of coal tar in a more or less brief manner. Special attention has been given to the plant used for, and the process of distillation of tar, as this portion of the industry is the most important, there being many works in which tar is submitted to distillation, or a partial distillation, for special purposes, and the distillates sold to other distillers for working up. As far as possible I have adhered to descriptions of plant and processes with which I have had a practical acquaintance, and I have drawn many of the illustrations in a diagrammatic form in order to render them more easily understood. With reference to the figures relating to change over points, temperatures used, amounts of distillates obtained and so on, those given have been employed in actual practice at one time or another, but theymust notbe taken as guides, as coaltar and coal tar distillates, etc., are liable to variation. My thanks are due to the firms of Messrs. Thos. Broadbent Sons, Ltd., S. H. Johnson Co., Ltd., and Robert Middleton, for their kindness in lending me electros with which to illustrate Chapter xiv. Also to Mr.W. R. Ball for the great assistance he has given me in reading over much of the manuscript. Thanks are also due tomy wife for the assistance she has given me in the preparation of the index, and the correction of
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