Coding For Beginners
First time with computer programming? Are you interested in learning coding and programming language as rapidly as possible, but you are a beginner?Ok, dont worry. This book is here for you! ?The most difficult language is your first. There is this myth in the programming worlds. Ive been there too, learning any programming language can be frustrating and discouraging. I remember well the initial difficulties in learning my first programming language. Everything would have been easier if I had a guide that made me understand the real basics of programming. Thats why this book was born. To help those who have never read a single page of programming!Today, the computer is an indispensable tool in many fields. However, the machine can do absolutely nothing without software, that is, without a program that tells you what you have to do.A programming language can be defined as an artificial language that allows the programmer to communicate with the computer to tell him what he has to do. To this end, man has invented many programming languages, but all of them can be classified into three main types: the machine, low level, and high level.The machine language is the only one who understands the digital computer. Only two symbols can be used on it: zero (0) and one (1). More understandable programming languages were invented for the programmer, called low-level languages. This book includes topics about:Getting Started with CodingOverview of the main programming languagesFunctionsStringsLoopsObject-Oriented ProgrammingAlgorithms... and so much more!To develop any software, a series of techniques and scientific knowledge related to computer science must be put into practice. These techniques and knowledge are grouped into a discipline called programming methodology. However, this discipline is home to different programming paradigms, including structured programming and object-oriented programming.Are
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