Coffee Cup Stains


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Life is complicated, plain and simple.What we see is not what anyone else sees. We see a red rose, but no one else sees that same red, for no one else has our eyes. And that’s life. We rely heavily on our five senses—taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing—but only we can taste, smell, feel, see, or hear how we do.The poetry included in Coffee Cup Stains: Thoughts from an Autistic Poet is based on Joy Olree’s own five senses. She was, as Lady Gaga says, born this way—with autism, in a world that cannot fully grasp the meaning. In this new poetry collection, Olree attempts to enlighten that non-autistic world, to make its inhabitants see what she sees.RAGGED RISERagged rise I livecareful not to seewhat there is to feel.Fair the well my childsay there’ll never beever cause to doubtwhat it is my placehere on earth to be.Ragged rise I goclimbing to the topup the mountain sidestaring at the heavenswaiting for the answers.Peaceful though I amI would give it allif only you would ask.Ragged rise I seeman in all his gloryweathered worn butwhole, scattered tornthey roam shelteredfrom life’s storm.Ragged but to riseover and againdown but never outthus it seems my life. 
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