Cognitive Processing Routes in Consecutive Interpreting

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AcknowledgementsAbstractDeclarationList of Tables and FiguresList of AbbreviationsChapter 1. Introduction1.1 Purpose and Motivations of the Study1.2 Research Background1.2.1 General Background1.2.2 Specific Background1.3 Research Questions1.4 Methodological Issues1.5 Structure of the Book1.6 Statement of Originality1.7 SummaryChapter 2. Interpreting Process2.1 Psycholinguistic View2.1.1 Theoretical Models2.1.2 Empirical Studies2.2 Neuro-physiological View2.3 Interpreting Studies View2.4 SummaryChapter 3. An Integrated Neurocognitive Theory of Translating and Interpreting3.1 An Integrated Perspective to Language Processing3.1.1 Subsystems of Language Processing3.1.2 The Interplay of Memory and Computation3.1.3 Neurocognitive Bilingual Processing and Control3.1.4 Translating and Interpreting as Bilingual Processing3.2 Neurocognitive Processing Routes for Translation and Interpreting3.2.1 Recoding via Meaning-based Processing3.2.2 Recoding via Form-based Processing3.2.3 Recoding via Memory-pairing3.3 SummaryChapter 4. The Corpus-assisted Approach to Translation Process Research4.1 Corpus-assisted Research on Translation Processes4.2 Corpus-assisted Approach Employed in the Previous Studies4.2.1 Challenges of the Corpus-assisted Approach4.2.2 Key Concepts of the Corpus-assisted Approach4.3 Corpus-assisted Approach Employed in the Current Study4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Source and Target Material5.1 Source Speeches and Target Deliveries5.2 Source Profiling5.3 Target Profiling5.4 SummaryChapter 6. A Parallel Bilingual CI Corpus6.1 Transcription of Video-recordings6.1.1 Transcription6.1.2 Removing Noise from the Corpus6.2 Corpus Design6.2.1 Time Span6.2.2 Corpus Size6.3 Processing Tools6.3.1 EditPlus6.3.2 CorpusWordParser6.3.3 ABBYY Aligner6.3.4 Microsoft Excel6.3.5 ParaConc6.4 Segmentation and Alignment6.5 Annotation6.5.1 Annotation Scheme for the STs and TTs6.5.2 Using Word Macros for Tagging6.6 Concordance Search and Query6.6.1 Concordance Search Steps6.6.2 ParaConc Search Ex
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