Coles Combined System Of Drainage And Irrigation - A New System Of Agriculture
COLES COMBINED SYSTEM Drainage and Irrigation. A NEW SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURE by A. N. COLE, First published in 1889.Preface: Biographical Sketch of A. N. Cole Water a Necessity for Vegetation Drainage The New System CONTENTS. PAGE: Stone Storage Trenches 33 Tile 36 Square 36 Cement For Sand Lands 37 Depth and Distance of Storage Trenches 38 Family and Market Gardens 39 Lawns 40 Orchards . 5 7-8 23 29 33 40 Grass Lands 41 Arable Lands 42 Artesian Wells 42 Swamp Lands 43 Workings of the System Effects on Soil. 46 Crops 48 Builds up Soils 50 Use of Hot Water 56 Five Crops a Year 57 Irrigation in Florida 65 Mr. Coles Model Plot 68 Reports 69 French Methods 86 Ridits of Application Obituary...PREFACE, CONSTANT and increasing demand from every part of the world, especially from all sections of our own country, for a cheap Manual descriptive of Mr. Coles system of Drainage and Irrigation, has at last induced him to intrust to me the work of arranging this book, he being too ill at this time to do so. In its .preparation I shall endeavor to treat the subject in a most practi- cal manner, and in the fewest possible words necessary to the end in view, and yet complete enough that all may fully understand, and for themselves see its numberless advantages and possibilities. In the facts stated we have been conservative, feeling to under, rather than overdraw them. it better Speaking for Mr. Cole, we extend to every reader of this Man- ual an invitation to visit the 1 Home on the Hillside, and make personal examination of his work and its results. The grounds are open to public inspection at all times. A. P. COLE. Biographical sketch of the life and services of the Hon. A. N. Cole, of the Home on the Hillside, Wellsville, Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER I. As a frontispiece to this volume, we open its pages by introduction of the likeness of the originator of what has been denominated aquaculture, the new agriculture, or sub-irrigation. The relations of father and son existing be
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