Colins Courage
The story:When Colin the oak tree wakes up to find Grubber delighting himself over scattered acorns, the racoon slams his supposedly distasteful snack. Colins heart begins to sink with self-doubts. Trying to find solace, he eventually discovers a powerful source of confidence deep within his heart!The theme: Expressing/Confidence in yourself Standing up for yourself is not wrong. It is about relying on your self-worth with confidence, to respectfully saying what you need to say.Tools of the Heart is a concept of books and guided meditations intended for young children. Its main objective is to provide tools that will help them develop their inner foundations. Allow your children, on a daily basis, to build and maintain a strong and healthy self-esteem. With the long term hope of helping them go through life in a self-determining and authentic way.www.toolsoftheheart.com
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