Commentary on the Psalms - Compiled from the Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg (1910)
COMMENTARY ON THE PSALMS COMPILED PE. OM TEE THEOLOGICAL WORKS EMANUEL SWEDENBORG by THE REV ROBERT S. FISCHER BOSTON. Originally published in 1910. PREFACE: THIS COMMENTARY, the third of the series, is like the pre vious volumes ( Commentary on Matthew and Com mentary on John, by the same author) drawn entirely from the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. For every passage of the Psalms which is therein quoted or re ferred to, all that he has written is given, except in isolated cases where abridgments have been necessary to avoid making the COMMENTARY too bulky for ready reference, or for topical reading. Reiterations of the same statements have been avoided by a reference to preceding chapters and verses. The entire part of Swedenborgs treatise Summary Ex position of Prophets and Psalms which relates to the Psalms is embodied in this COMMENTARY and appears under the indicative letters P. P. at the verses to which it belongs. This work throws new light upon many portions of the Book of Psalms. In the Doctrine concerning the Lord, No. 37, Swedenborg writes about it: It maybe well to mention that it has been granted to me to go through all the Prophets and the Psalms of David, and to examine each verse singly and to see what is there treated of. It has been seen that nothing else is treated of but the church established and to be established by the Lord, the Lords advent, His combats, glorification, redemption and salvation, and heaven from Him; and at the same time their opposites. The division into verses is that adopted in Schmidts Hebrew Latin Bible, published in 1740, which Swedenborg generally used, and which is the same as in Le Boys des Guays General Index, and other similar works. In these the introductory words which for some Psalms occur in the Hebrew are counted as a verse. Where it occurs, the verse number of the text issued by the American Revision Com mittee can be found by going one verse back. No mis understanding is possible as the con
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