Condensation and Condescension in Dreams and History
What is this Book about,This book is about detailed exploration of fascinating techniques of interpretation and handling of resistances discovered by Sigmund Freud in interpretation of Human experience through a gateway called dreams and claims that the same techniques if and when contextualized, are fundamentally relevant and applicable for research and interpretation of the lost, unknown or repressed experiences in human history. While reviewing E.P. Thompsons work, The making of the English working classes, Author discovers that, the process of repression and resultant processes of condescension and condensation are common to both Dreams and Human History. Further, Author claims that E.P. Thompsons research techniques and research methods in The making.. ..... intended for rescuing the human experiences, resonates the Freudian technique of interpretation. Author struggles to answer the question, but how techniques of psychoanalysis which remains aloof from the enormous field of human work and which has been identified as a-historical science can be compatible with those of E.P. Thompsons techniques of interpretation of experiences in Human History? Essay explores for its answer and concludes that E.P. Thompsons Making.. paves the way for integration and interactions between two distinct disciplines of Sciences and their mutual enrichments. The relationship between Freudian theory and interpretation of dreams and E.P. Thompsons efforts in The Making of the English Working Classes has not been so closely dealt with in last fifty years.
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