Cooperage; A Treatise On Modern Shop Practice And Methods; From The Tree To The Finished Article
PREFACE: THE preparation of this work has occupied the writers spare moments for a number of years. Originally the matter was not intendcd for publication, but the manu script has grown so large and complete, mhich consideration, combined with many repeated requests, has induced the writer to publish the matter in book form. While all other trades and professions have their lit erature more or less complete, the coopcrage industry has never before been represented by any teclinical work, and appears to have been neglected along these lines. Therefore, me trust that the t, rade m-ill appreciate our encletzvors in bringing before them this work, as well as the difficulties encountered in compiling it, from the fact that it is the first of its kind in existence, and we hope that it will eventually prove to them a valuable aid. The man that studies and applies himself attentively to any subject, seeks to advise his fcllom-workman or give an exposition of the general principles of any science, industry or trade, or of ixnproving conditions generally, often mcets at times with severe criticism. As there seems to be present in the minds of most persons a certain amount of doubt and uncertainty as to the wisdom and ability of any person to advise them in these matters, even if the writer has been for a long time a student on the particular subject on which he writes. Therefore, in presenting this volume, which is launched, not as a literary effort nor as a scientific essay, but rather as a practical discussion of principles and methods, the writer is aware that his efforts may meet with such criticism hut we do not desire to leave the impression that it is our own individua1 work, or that it is an expression of opinion of a single individual, but rather a poup ing together of ideas offered by n considerable numhcr of persons connected with the trade in its different branches, together mith data continually collected during the authors extended career, both in this country a
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