Countdown to Doomsday
The UKs entire security network is mounted in an ultimateRed Alert deadline operation to avert cataclysmic disasteron a national scale. Islamic terrorism is poised to deliver itsfiercest blow.The wrath of Allah let loose upon infidel Christians willbe the mother of all holy chastisements -- in divineretribution for the mass slaughtering of Muslims bythe demonic Western imperialists. An almighty and trulydivine purging of the infidel worshippers -- that they berighteously smote down and cast into deep damnation tojoin their Devil. Zealous militants, the Jihadi, are sent forthon a holy mission that will wreak havoc across the countryand send foreboding shock waves of the power of Islamthroughout the Western world. Allah akbar! (God is great!).In a deathly race against time, MI5 and MI6 have the do or dietask of thwarting this horrific doomsday threat -- their effortmust succeed -- or it will be their last.
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