Cuba Is a State of Mind (the Spiritual Traveler, Vol I)
The Spiritual Traveler Series provides the reader with a new type of travel writing experience. Instead of simply looking at the sights, sounds, and tastes of a locale, the Spiritual Traveler allows the reader to experience the consciousness of a nation.A Tourist takes in the local sights; a Traveler sees the reality of a landscape.In writing on travel to Cuba, the Spiritual Traveler decides to give a voice to the Cuban Silent Majority. The Silent Majority in Cuba are:Voices unheard in books about Cuba. We read about those who leave, but not about those who stay; Mostly black, mulatto, and rural white; Descendants of slaves;Masses of uneducated servants and peasant class before the Revolution. Those whose freedom was denied after their participation in the struggle during the Cuban War for Independence (1898); Loyal to Fidel;Most protective of the Revolution and subsequent Post-Revolutionary way of life so imbibed in African culture; Most affected by the US Blockade and least likely to receive remittances from relatives in the US;Those who would lose the most with a return to the Pre-Revolutionary status quo.This is the first book to give voice to the Cuban Silent Majority, to hear their stories and know their consciousness. It gives future travelers to Cuba another perspective of Cuba to consider.
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