Culture, Country, City, Company, Person, Purpose, Passion, World
Why do empires rise and fall? Why do some cultures and civilizations disappear over the ages while others have thrived for thousands of years? Why have some countries become superpowers brimming with prosperity while others have not? What grand strategies have empires, countries, and cities used to grow themselves into greatness? There are many factors that foretell the rise and fall of civilizations, and two of the prosperity principles rarely discussed but must be mastered include asabiya, or cooperative group unity, and the aggregate “virtue” or “merit" of a great body of men.There are also cyclical factors in history - whether of Kondratrieff innovation waves, Strauss and Howe generational waves, business cycles or demographic waves - which explain predictable trends in technology, politics and economics that we can align with for the purposes of prosperity. Cities can make use of these trends and through astute placemaking magnetically attract residents, talent, and the “next thing" industries within their borders.  Many companies also face the prospect of super profitability and then bankruptcy. What strategic factors explain how to build firms to last? Many companies thrive by adopting a guiding vision that creates benefit for customers and overrides a natural tendency towards pure profiteering without regard to human values. How should those companies design products embodying greater merit (benefit and values) than the competition and ethically market them to highlight their best value propositions? In your own career, how do you avoid the slippery road of commerce that often produces "errant men of business"? What principles will help you stick to a virtuous road and even become considered a man or woman of "consummate conduct”? More importantly, how can you find your life purpose or purposes within life so that it becomes filled with more satisfaction than what your job or occupation provide
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