Cups & Scales is an inspirational picture book with text andillustration used by members of Overeaters Anonymous andothers with eating disorders, about weighing and measuring foodand emotions, plus information to contact people and groups whoweigh and measure food, including people in Compulsive OvereatersAnonymous-HOW; Cups & Scales Forum; Food Addicts Anonymous;Food Addicts: The Body Knows Online Discussion Group; GreysheetersAnonymous; Overeaters Anonymous HOW and 90-Day meetings; andRecovery from Food Addiction. Contacts are willing to be your phonebuddy or to sponsor you. You get access to phone meeting numbers,websites, and email addresses to contact people who weigh andmeasure.This serious picture book with humor will delight. The artistMercedes McDonald works in true concert with the editorsto create a picture book that gently instructs. Like Aesops Fables,the attitudes of the cups and scales strike lightning quick insights.They show the trickery we can play and the shifting thoughts thatcan lead toward or away from right action - with food and with life.Cups & Scales does for the problem eater what the popular Stools& Bottles does for the alcoholic. It looks at the attitudes. Thecups and scales are characters; the illustrations are in full color.Over the years a practice has grown up where many peopleweigh and measure their food as part of a personal plan ofrecovery from compulsive overeating, food addiction, anorexia,bulimia, emotional eating and other eating disorders. Thereare many women and men recovering who DO NOT weigh andmeasure their food. The authors take no position on weighing andmeasuring food. There are many strong feelings about it. Thisbook is neither endorsed by nor sponsored by any organization.Here you will learn about weighing and measuring food andemotions.It is not the cups and scales or weighing and measuring thatmakes my recovery. It is my perspective toward the cups andscales and life that helps
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