Youve played the field, youve dated, youve hooked up and youve been there and done that. But as time passes, youre finding that the single life just isnt what it used to be. You want more out of life. Its time for you to have a serious relationship. One thats for keeps. Now is the time to get off the prowl and start looking for that special someone to settle down with. Yes, youre ready to take the plunge. Youre ready to find the right person to marry.Dating Sense: The Practical Way to Meet, Date and Marry the Right Person is going to help you get your mind straight about getting serious about settling down. Maybe youre already dating the right person or maybe youve yet to meet him/her. Regardless, this book will teach you some skills in finding/ choosing/keeping the right person and also how to avoid some of the pitfalls associated with marriage.Whether youre a guy or girl, if youre ready to get serious about finding someone to marry, Dating Sense: The Practical Way to Meet, Date and Marry the Right is the book for you.
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